PO Box 5101
Hoboken, NJ 07030
broadcasting from Jersey City 91.1 FM/90.1 FM
Audio Feed and Archives:
Brian Turner, Music Director, (201) 521-1416 x223

Heavy Airplay, December 12, 2014
VARIOUS - C86: Deluxe 3-CD Edition (Cherry Red)
VARIOUS - Country Funk II (Light In the Attic)
ALLAH LAS - Worship The Sun (Innovative Leisure)
VARIOUS - Soul City Los Angeles (Fantastic Voyage)
TY SEGALL - Manipulator (Drag City)
VARIOUS - Echoes of Germany (Fantastic Voyage)
SHINTARO SAKAMOTO - Let's Dance Raw (Other Music)
FUTURO ANTICO - Futuro Antico (Black Sweat)
CLAYPIPE - A Daylight Blessing (Mie)
OWEN MAERCKS - Owen Maercks (Feeding Tube)
ENERGY GOWN - Evening Molasses (Alona's Dream)
ALVARIUS B - Sorban Palid / Queen Jane Specifically (Poon Village)
FIGURES OF LIGHT - Lost & Found (Fol)
HELP YOURSELF - Reaffirmation: An Anthology 1971-1973 (Esoteric Recordings)
FOETUS - Damp (Ectopic)
VARIOUS - High Voltage!: Giant Steps & Flashpoints in 20th-Century Experimental & Electronic Sound (High Voltage)
SENYAWA - Acaraki (Dual Plover)
CHICAGO/SAO PAULO UNDERGROUND FT. PHAROAH SANDERS - Pharoah & The Underground - Spiral Mercury (Clean Feed)
MINNY POPS - Sparks In A Dark Room (Factory Benelux)
FALTY DL - In The Wild (Ninja Tune/Blueberry)
THE ULSERS - Forget Them (Wallaby Beat)
ATHANOR - Inside Out: The Demos 1973-77 (Guersen)
GOT A GIRL - I Love You But I Must Drive Off This Cliff Now (Bulk)
LES TERRIBLES - Les Terribles (Screaming Apple)
MARCO BENEVENTO - Swift (The Royal Potato Family)
HOLLYWOOD AUTOPSY - Hollywood Autopsy (Little Big Chief)
VARIOUS - What is Happening (Big Whup)
SLOAN - Commonwealth (Yep Roc)
CHROME - Feel It Like A Scientist (King of Spades)
THE ARTWOODS - Steady Gettin' It: The Complete Recordings 1964-67 (RPM)
CHRIS BUTLER - Easy Life (Future Fossil)
SEVERED HEADS - Since The Accident (Medical)
BRUCE HAACK - Electric Lucifer Book II (In which Lucifer Tempts Jesus of Nazareth) (Telephone Explosion)
PC WORSHIP - Social Rust (Northern Spy)
EXOCOMET - Exocomet (No Label)
G. GREEN - Area Codes (Mt. St. Mtn.)
CONRAD SCHNITZLER - Congratulacion (Bureau B)
Medium Airplay
VARIOUS - Cooler Than Ice: Arctic Records and the Rise of Philly Soul (Jamie/Guyden)
THE ABOVE - Flake Out (Castile)
SUN ARAW - Belomancie (Drag City)
ALICE BOMAN - EP II (The Control Group)
WHITE HILLS - Glitter Glamour Atrocity (Thrill Jockey)
TELECULT POWERS - Black Meditations (Experimedia)
VARIOUS - An Unclouded Day: Stories and Songs from Southern Appalachia (North Carolina Language and Life Project )
VIC PITTS AND THE CHEATERS - The Lost Tapes (Secret Stash)
DANIEL BACHMAN - Grey-Black-Green (Feeding Tube)
VARIOUS - African Twang: Country Songs From The Motherland (No Label)
SO WHAT - What You Do To Me (Grazer)
MATTHEW YOUNG - Recurring Dreams (Drag City/Yoga)
THE RIBEYE BROTHERS - New Ways to Fail (This Is You)
DILATED PEOPLES - Directors of Photography (Rhymesayers)
COITUS INT. - Coitus Int. (Bunkerpop)
THE NEW PORNOGRAPHERS - Brill Bruisers (Matador)
MIA DOI TODD - Floresta (City Zen)
500 KG LIHAA - Yksinainen Ratsastaja (Karkia Mistika)
FORCE OF DARKNESS - Absolute Verb of Chaos and Darkness (Iron Pegasus)
LITERATURE - Chorus (Slumberland)
VARIOUS - The International Vicious Society Vol. 1 (University of Vice)
ROBYN HITCHCOCK - The Man Upstairs (Yep Roc)
SEMIMUUMIO - Vamos (Lal Lal Lal)
SOULDS OF MISCHIEF - Adrian Younge Presents: Souls Of Mischief (Linear Labs)
DANE STURGEON - Wild 'N' Tender (Stur-Geon)
SOUTHPAW STEEL 'N' TWANG - Hale's Pleasure Railway (Bafe's Factory)
WAX GHOST - Adze (Cook an Egg)
RAGTIME FRANK - I'm A Rocketship For My Lord (Little Big Chief)
MALE GAZE - Cliffs Of Madness (Mt. St. Mtn.)
LITTLE TOMMY - I'm Still Hurt (Secret Stash)
THE SUBURBAN HOMES - The Suburban Home E.P. (Market Square)
BIG FREEDIA - Just Be Free (RMM Media)
HARRY MOSCO FUNKEES - For You Specialy (Secret Stash)
BIG BLOOD - Unlikely Mothers (Blackout Rainbow)
DUB RIFLES - No Town No Country: EPs and Rare Recordings 1981-1984 (Sundowning)
THE YOUNG - Chrome Cactus (Matador)
NAOMI PUNK - Television Man (Captured Tracks)
JULIA HOLTER - Don't Make Me Over / Hello Stranger (Domino)
BEBEL GILBERTO - Tudo (Portrait)
MARTYR PRIVATES - Martyr Privates (Bedroom Suck)
FLAMING FIRE - Surge And Burn: 2000-2014 (Cuniglius)
SMOKE DAWSON - Fiddle (Tompkins Square)
THE QUEEN FAMILY - Back Porch Music (North Carolina Language and Life Project )
VARIOUS - In the Shadow of Sun: Memphis Area R&B and Rock & Roll (Fantastic Voyage)
WOLD - Postsocial (Profound Lore)
NEIL HAMBURGER - First of Dismay (Drag City)
SKIPPER - In Cold Pizza 'N' Pop! (Chocolate Covered)
CORY BRANAN - The No-Hit Wonder (Bloodshot)
GERMAN ARMY - Jivaro Witnesses (Burka For Everybody)
VARIOUS - Live on CKUT (CKUT 90.3 FM)
SOUNDTRACK - God Help The Girl (Milan)
DEBBY SCHWARTZ - A Garden Of My Own (Twin Lakes)
VARIOUS - 7 and 7 is (Fruits de Mer)
MNDSGN - Yawn Zen (Stones Throw)
TWINK - Critter Club (No Label)
THE GOTOBEDS - Poor People Are Revolting (12XU)
VARIOUS - La Ballade Au Beau Regard (Okraina)
ARNDALES - Dog Hobbies USA (In The Red)
RUNNING - Frizzled (God?)
TY SEGALL - Feel (Drag City)
THE BILDERS - The Utopians R Just Out Boozin' (Smartguy)
SCHIZO - Le Voyageur (Souffle Continu)
WALKER / MELCHIOR - Melchior / Walker (Kill Shaman)
MERCHANDISE - After The End (4AD)
CHAIN & THE GANG - Minimum Rock N Roll (Radical Elite)
HENRI PIERRE NOEL - One More Step (Wah Wah)
PIG HEART TRANSPLANT - For Mass Consumption (Iron Lung)
SOUNDTRACK - Palo Alto (Domino)
AMANDA X - Amnesia (Siltbeeze)
THE FLAMETHROWERS - Intensity! (Norton)
THE VALDONS - Stop, Wait a Minute Girl (Secret Stash)
VARIOUS - 2nd Set of Tracks (No Label)
LITTLE BAND OF SAILORS - Woman with a Suitcase (No Label)
J MASCIS - Tied To A Star (Sub Pop)
Light Airplay
RAPOON - Cultural Forgeries (Alrealon)
EUGENE CARCHESIO - Circle Music III (Room 40)
MUSIC BLUES - Things Haven't Gone Well (Thrill Jockey)
KLINE COMA XERO - Kline Coma Xero (Medical)
JACK RUBY - Jack Ruby (Feeding Tube / Negative Glam)
XETAS - The Silence - The Knife (12XU)
RITES OF SPRING - ROS Demo 1984 (Dischord)
GHOST TOWN - Ghost Town 7 (Gilgongo)
LES AMBASSADEURS DU MOTEL DE BAMAKO - Les Ambassadeurs Du Motel De Bamako (Sterns Music)
JOE MORRIS QUARTET - Balance (Clean Feed)
LOS MACUANOS - El Origen (Nacional)
MARTIN BéDARD - Topographies (Empreintes Digitales)
GUM TAKES TOOTH - Mirrors Fold (Tigertrap)
SOUNDTRACK - Mood Indigo (Milan)
DOPRAH - Doprah (Arch Hill)
LAMPOST GULLIVERS - All Your Worldly Schmutter (Marble Ear)
MATTHEW SHIPP - I've Been To Many Places (Thirsty Ear)
ANDY HAAS - Taballah (No Label)
FADENSONNEN - PD5 (Fadensonnen)
MARK WASTELL - Come Crimson Rays (Kning Disk)
SONIC CHICKEN 4 - Sonic Chicken 4 (Dusty Medical)
LONG JOHN HUNTER - El Paso Rock - Ride With Me Baby (Norton)
THE FRANTIX - My Dad's A Fucking Alcoholic (Alternative Tentacles)
SPOON - They Want My Soul (Loma Vista / Republic)
MALLEVS - Mallevs (Gilgongo)
RUF DUG - Magnetic Atmosphere (Lectric Sands)
THE LEO BULGARILOVES - 12 Shots: The Legendary Tornio Sessions 1994 (Karkia Mistika)
VARIOUS - HiTec 52-59: Systems Management (No Label)
HOWARD STELZER - Brayton Point (Dokuro)
VARIOUS - Lectric Sounds 1 (Lectric Sands)
BASEMENT JAXX - Junto (Atlantic Jaxx)
MUSIC GO MUSIC - Impressions (Thousand Tongues)
DARIUS JONES & MATTHEW SHIPP - The Darkseid Recital (AUM Fidelity)
GOLDEN PELICANS - Golden Pelicans (Total Punk)
ERIC LYON - Ex Cathedra (Centaur)
SKADEDYR - Kongekrabbe (Hubro)
VIAL OF SOUND - God's Oscillator (Gilgongo)
CRISTAL - Homegoing (Hand Held)
ULTRA BIDé - DNA vs DNA-c (Alternative Tentacles)
MATEO - 12 Canciones (12 Songs) (No Label)
ARMOR GRAVIL - Fernum (Karkia Mistika)
PEOPLE - 3xaWoman: The Misplaced Files (Telegraph Harp)
WILLIAM HOOKER STRINGS 3 - A Postcard From The Road (New Atlantis)
IL SOGNO DEL MARINAIO - Canto Secondo (Clenched Wrench / Org Music)
ZATH - Black Goat Razor (God?)
RATKING - So It Goes (XL)
PIERRE ANTOINE - Kalabuley Woman (Hot Casa)
MONEY - The Shadow Of Heaven (Bella Union)
INHALANTS - Inhalants (Long Island Electrical Systems)
DOMENICO CRISCI - Russian Torrent Versions (Russian Torrent Versions)
KENNY DOPE - Wild Style Breakbeats (Kay-Dee)
MISTY ROSES - Puce Woman - Queen Cobra (Exotic Pylon)
BOB TAYLOR AND THE COUNTS - Taylor's Rock - Thunder (Norton)
WAY THROUGH - Enclosure (Comfortable On A Tight Rope)
BLOOD BRIGHT STAR - The Silver Head (King Of The Monsters)
VIJAY IYER & MIKE LADD - Holding It Down: The Veterans' Dream Project (Pi Recordings)
HYRROKKIN / DOUG SCHARIN'S ACTIVITIES OF DUST - Sephfus - Same Size in the Sky (New Atlantis)
HIGH ON DRACULA - High On Dracula (The House of Alchemy)
FKA TWIGS - LP1 (Young Turks)
NEGATIVLAND - It's All In Your Head (Seeland)
JANE LA ONDE - Buy Buy Buy (Feeding Tube)
SCRABBLED - Welcome To Pig City (Virtual Cool)
THE ABIGAILS - Tundra (Burger)
EVERY TIME I DIE - From Parts Unknown (Epitaph)
METABOMAN - Ja/Noe (Musik Krause)
TIMMY VULGAR - Timmy (Terror Trash)
ALAN WILKINSON / JANNE TUOMI - Validi Sekmentti at Pori Art Museum (Karkia Mistika)
KILLER BOB / WEI ZHONGLE - Split (New Atlantis)
7" Singles List
ALVARIUS B - Sorban Palid / Queen Jane Specifically (Poon Village)
THE ABOVE - Flake Out (Castile)
SO WHAT - What You Do To Me (Glazer)
LITTLE TOMMY - I'm Still Hurt (Secret Stash)
MALE GAZE - Cliffs of Madness (Mt St Mtn)
RUNNING - Frizzled (God?)
THE BILDERS - The Uptopians R Just Out Boozin (Smartguy)
SCHIZO - Le Voyagueur (Souffle Continu)
SKIPPER - In Cold Pizza N Pop (Chocolate Covered)
RPM List
FALTY DL - In the Wild (Ninja Tune)
SEVERED HEADS - Since the Accident (Medical)
RUF DUG - Magnetic Atmosphere (Lectric Sands)
VARIOUS - Lectric Sands 1 (Lectric Sands)
BASEMENT JAXX - Junto (Atlantic Jaxx)
INHALANTS - Inhalants (Long Island Electric Systems)
DOMENICO CRISCI - 12" (Russian Torrent Versions)
ANDY STOTT - Faith In Strangers (Modern Love)
APHEX TWIN - Syro (Warp)
TRANSLLUSION - The Opening of the Cerebral Gate (Tresor)
Jazz List
HENRI PIERRE NOEL - One More Step (Wah Wah)
JOE MORRIS QUARTET - Balance (Clean Feed)
MATTHEW SHIPP - I've Been To Many Places (Thirsty Ear)
DARIUS JONES & MATTHEW SHIPP - The Darkseid Recital (AUM Fidelity)
SKADEDYR - Kongekrabbe (Hubro)
PEOPLE - 3x a Woman: The Misplaced Files (Telegraph Harp)
Loud List
FORCE OF DARKNESS - Absolute Verb of Chaos and Darkness (Iron Pegasus)
MALE GAZE - Cliffs of Madness (Mt St Mtn)
WOLD - Postsocial (Profound Lore)
PIG HEART TRANSPLANT - For Mass Consumption (Iron Lung)
MUSIC BLUES - Things Haven't Gone Well (Thrill Jockey)
XETAS - The Silence/The Knife (12XU)
THE FRANTIX - My Dad's a Fucking Alcoholic (Alternative Tentacles)
BUGS AND RATS - s/t (Feeding Tube)
HAIKAI NO KU - Ultra High Dimensionality (Box)
SKULLFLOWER - Draconis (Cold Spring)
World List
VARIOUS - Echoes of Germany (Fantastic Voyage)
SENYAWA - Acaraki (Dual Plover)
VARIOUS - The International Vicious Society Vol. 1 (University of Vice)
BEBEL GILBERTO - Tudo (Portrait)
LOS MACUANOS - El Origen (Nacional)
MATEO - 12 Canciones (No Label)
PIERRE ANTOINE - Kalabuley Woman (Hot Casa)
FRANCIS BEBEY - Psychedelic Sanza 1982-84 (Born Bad)
VARIOUS - Rajasthan Street Music (Sublime Frequencies)
Hip-Hop List
DILATED PEOPLES - Directors of Photography (Rhymesayers)
SOULS OF MISCHIEF - Adriane Younge Presents: Souls of Mischief (Linear Labs)
BIG FREEDIA - Just Be Free (RMM Media)
RATKING - So It Goes (XL)
FLYING LOTUS - You're Dead! (Warp)
RUN THE JEWELS - 2 (Mass Appeal)
DJ AFRIKA BAMBAATAA - Zulu Rainin Hell Mix (Boo Hooray)
BUSDRIVER - Perfect Hair (Big Dada)
GHOSTFACE KILLAH - 36 Seasons (Salvation/Tommy Boy)
L.E.G. - EP (Angstrom)
Cassette List
JANE LA ONDE - Buy Buy Buy (Feeding Tube)
SCRABBLED - Welcome To Pig City (Virtual Cool)
WAY THROUGH - Enclosure (Comfortable On a Tight Rope)
KILLER BOB/WEI ZHONGLE - Split (New Atlantis)
HIGH ON DRACULA - s/t (House of Alchemy)
HENRY PLOTNICK - Qualia (Blue Tapes)
XARKRINUR - Dark Rituals (Psalm 88)
ODLIO ES - Intimate (Tanzprocesz)
JOOKLO & METABOLISMUS - Perception of the Illusion of the Opposition of Contraries (Troglosound)
AXIS:SOVA - Worse Fools Cease to be a Shadow (Licking River)
Upcoming Special Programs on WFMU
Nikhil P. Yerawadekar & Low Mentality: From Afrobeat to Ethio-Grooves and Everywhere in Between
Saturday, December 13th, 6pm - 9pm
on Transpacific Sound Paradise with Rob Weisberg
Nikhil P. Yerawadekar
spread his wings with leading lights of New York's Afrobeat Revival
like Antibalas and Akoya Afrobeat - but that's just a starting point.
His high-octane band Low Mentality
adds rock, reggae, calypso, hip-hop, funk and more to the mix. And they
explore classic East African grooves in their collaboration with
Ethiopian keyboard great Hailu Mergia. Nikhil and Low Mentality rock WFMU live tonight ahead of two big East Village shows: On their own at NuBlu on Friday December 19th, and with Hailu Mergia at Drom on Saturday January 10th.
Renato Taddei, Matteo Vegetti, Chris Leo, Jenni Matz and members of Rye Coalition
Saturday, December 13th, 9pm - Midnight
on Prove it All Night with Pat Byrne
Italian authors Renato Taddei and Matteo Vegetti drop by to discuss
their book "Non Ti Divertire Troppo", which means: "Don't have too much
fun", about the 30 American indie bands that influenced their Italian
counterparts the most. Chris Leo of The Van Pelt, will also be in studio
to translate and maybe play a couple of songs. Later on, filmmaker
Jenni Matz and members of Rye Coalition swing by to discuss their new
documentary film and the show they'll just have finished playing at
Monty Hall. Phew! all that?
A Very Vince Martin Christmas Special
Wednesday, December 17th, 6am - 9am
on The John Allen Show
Brooklyn born and raised Vince Martin first recorded with the Tarriers
in 1956 on the hit single "Cindy, Oh Cindy." He became more widely known
in the early 1960s through his duo recordings with Fred Neil and became
very popular and influential on the burgeoning folk (and later folk
rock) scene. Cited by the Coen Brothers as one of the musicians who
influenced their movie “Inside Llewyn Davis”, Ethan Coen describes Vince
Martin as “the Italian kid who decided to be Vince Martin”. This
program will feature 3 hours of holiday cheer.
Simpsons Holiday Snacktacular
Wednesday, December 17th, Noon - 2pm
on Nazario Scenario (on Give the Drummer Radio stream)
December 17th is Simpsons Day -- designated because the first
full-length Simpsons episode aired on this date in 1989. From 12-2 PM,
Amanda plays Springfield-centric tracks and welcomes back fellow
scholars Nate, Paul, and Pat for plenty of cromulent discussion.
The Cherry Blossom Clinic Holiday Spectacular
Saturday, December 20th, 3pm - 6pm
on Todd-o-phonic Todd's show
Join co-hosts Terre T and Todd-O-Phonic Todd and a cast of dozens for 3 hours of holiday beer...oops, we mean cheer!
The Annual Winter Soul-stice, With Debbie D
Sunday, December 21st, 5pm - 7pm
on Gaylord Fields's show
The Winter Solstice may be short on daylight, but the soulful sounds
will radiate upon one and all, thanks to the hosts of this Winter
Soul-stice special! For this particular airing of an annual event of
more than 20 years' standing, WFMU Rock & Soul Ichiban
webstream proprietress Debbie D will join show host Gaylord Fields to
bestow ecumenical holiday cheer upon everyone, regardless of
denomination, with the traditional airing of armloads of soul 45s and
rampant abuse of the studio reverb machine.
Christmas Spectacular!!!
Monday, December 22nd, 9am - Noon
on Imaginary Radio with Chris M.
Do you love presents, snow, eggnog and mistletoe? You'll be in the right
place for three hours of X-mas magic on this Monday morning! Holiday
songs for real!
Celebrate Xmas eve morning with Daniel Knox
Wednesday, December 24th, 6am - 9am
on The John Allen Show
Daniel Knox will perform Christmas related songs, as well as some of his
own recent numbers about consumerism. He will also DJ some holiday
records and read about crimes and disasters that took place at Christmas
time, like the Iroquois Theater Fire. The Chicago based pianist and
composer/songwriter is known for his darkly distorting traditional
American popular song styles—inspiring collaborations with David Lynch
and Jarvis Cocker along the way. His self-titled third album will be
released in the new year (Jan 20th).
Spazz Xmas Fiasco!
Thursday, December 25th, 9pm - Midnight
on Music To Spazz By with Dave the Spazz
All-Star surprise holiday bands fall down the WFMU chimney and wreck the halls on this very special Spazz Xmas Fiasco!
David Greenberger
Saturday, December 27th, 9am - 11am
on Bob Brainen's show
Bob welcomes Guest-DJ David Greenberger. Besides being a visual artist,
he's known for his long running periodical The Duplex Planet and the
band Men & Volts. He's performed and recorded his monologues with a
wide-range of musical collaborators including Terry Adams, Latin
Playboys, Robyn Hitchcock, Paul Cebar, and Wreckless Eric. Join Us!
Retired Texas Gym Teacher Dale Irby
Saturday, December 27th, 11am - 1pm
on Michael Shelley's show
Michael welcomes genius Dale Irby who recently retired after teaching
Phys-Ed for forty years - and wearing the exact same shirt & sweater
vest in all forty yearbook photos.
Lonnie Lester
Saturday, December 27th, 3pm - 6pm
on Todd-o-phonic Todd's show
Saturday Dec. 27th 3-6 p.m. Legendary Midwest soul/r'n'b singer Lonnie
Lester stops by The Todd-O-Phonic Todd show to chat about his great 45
sides (collected last year on the Tramp label), memorable live shows and
his return to the New York area stage New Year's Eve at Littlefield in
Joe Carducci Spins 3 Hours of Early '70s Heavy Rock
Wednesday, December 31st, 6am - 9am
on The John Allen Show
Best known for his music writing, Joe Carducci’s 1991 “Rock and the Pop
Narcotic” is the ultimate book on the aesthetics of rock music. As an
A&R man and one time co-owner of the legendary SST Records, Joe’s
legacy traces a bit further back as one of the bedrock figures in
American early-80’s independent music. His previous visits to WFMU
centered on his time working in music, and the history of LA punk; this
time he’ll play records from his formative years guiding us thru the
musical connective tissue of Savoy Brown, Chicken Shack, Egg, Uriah Heep
etc. to Sacharrine Trust, SWA, St. Vitus, and Tom Troccoli’s Dog.
Jonathan Toubin AKA the New York Night Train
Saturday, January 3rd, 2015, 3pm - 6pm
on Todd-o-phonic Todd's show
Legendary globe-trotting DJ Jonathan Toubin joins forces with
semi-legendary stationary DJ Todd-O-Phonic Todd to blast 45's, tell his
amazing story and promote 2 great new Norton LP collections, "Souvenirs
of the Soul Clap" Vol. 1 & 2.
They Might Be Giants
Saturday, January 10th, 2015, 11am - 1pm
on Michael Shelley's show
Michael Shelley welcomes John Flansburgh and John Linnell from Then
Might Be Giants to the studio to play a few live songs and discuss their
30+ years of collaboration, their endless touring, their unusually
devoted fans and their newly relaunched Dial A Song!
The annual WFMU Holiday Party
Saturday, January 10th, 2015, 9pm - 3am
on The WFMU Holiday Party!
The holidays may be over, but we're still celebrating. Or maybe we're
celebrating the fact that the holidays are over. Regardless, tune in for
an hours-long dance party, and shake it like it's 2015!
Steve Boone from The Lovin’ Spoonful
Saturday, January 17th, 2015, 11am - 1pm
on Michael Shelley's show
Michael welcomes bassist of The Lovin’ Spoonful Steve Boone who has
written a new memoir "Hotter Than A Match Head, Life on the run with The
Lovin' Spoonful."
43 Montgomery Street, Jersey City
Saturday, December 13th, 8PM
Rye Coalition with Black Wail
N.J. Rockers Rye Coalition are bringing their music and their DVD launch party to WFMU's Monty Hall, Live!
Rye Coalition Guitarist Herb Wiley's wife Renee was injured several
months ago in a fire and is recovering, but to offset the medical bills,
Rye Coalition will be donating all proceeds from this show to Renee
Simone. If you'ld like to donate to help Renee and Herb's family, donate here. Many thanks, from the #HardLuv5

Saturday, December 20th, 9PM
Pat Byrne presents
Prove It All Night!
Featuring Dave Hill, Aparna Nancherla, Seth Herzog,
and more to be announced!
Monday, January 12th, 7:30 PM
Radiohole and WFMU present
an all-balls-to-the-wall, stripped-down, bare-assed production of
the smashed hit Myth (or Maybe Meth?) at WFMU's Monty Hall with special guests Not Blood Paint.
Sunday, January 11th, 12-3PM
Glen Jones & X-Ray Burns Holiday Party!
Live broadcast, video stream, suggestion donation $5

Thursday, January 15th, 7PM
Join us for WFMU's Monthly Movie Night, presented by Fabio.
This month's feature is Danger Diabolik.
Starring John Phillip Law, Marisa Mell, Michel Piccoli and directed by Mario Bava.