PO Box 5101
Hoboken, NJ 07030
broadcasting from Jersey City 91.1 FM/90.1 FM
Audio Feed and Archives: www.wfmu.org
Podcasts: podcast.wfmu.org
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Brian Turner, Music Director, bt@wfmu.org (201) 521-1416 x223

Heavy Airplay, February 17, 2017
SYRINX - Tumblers From the Vault 1970-1972 (RVNG Intl.)
SOGGY - Soggy (Outer Battery)
THE SUBURBAN HOMES - Are Bored EP (Total Punk)
MAJOR STARS - Motion Set (Drag City)
VARIOUS - Killed By Deathrock Vol. 2 (Sacred Bones)
LA FEMME - Mystere (Disques Pointus)
CARL STONE - Electronic Music From the Seventies and Eighties (Unseen Worlds)
CALM-SERENE - Original Album 1975-76 (Branco Label)
VARIOUS - The Girls Want the Boys! Sweden's Beat Girls 1964-1970 (Ace)
TOD DOCKSTADER - From the Archives (Starkland)
MALCOLM POINTON - Electro-Muse (Public Information)
DISENO CORBUSIER - Stadia (Dark Entries)
ROZETTA JOHNSON - A Woman's Way: The Complete Rozetta Johnson 1963-1975 (Kent
UNEARTH NOISE - Prayer and Resonance (Lullabies For Insomniacs)
N.M.O. - Nordic Mediterranean Organization / Numerous Miscommunications Occur (Diagonal)
STARFUCKERS - Sinistri (Parachute)
VARIOUS - Ricordare: The Songs of Ennio Morricone (Ace)
VARIOUS - Follow Me To the Popcorn: The Untold History of Belgium's Popcorn Scene (Jazzman)
MAX GRAEF & GLENN ASTRO - The Yard Work Simulator (Ninja Tune)
THE PROLETARIAT - Soma Holiday (S-S)
TANYA TAGAQ - Retribution (Thirty Tigers)
HOOTON TENNIS CLUB - Big Box of Chocolates (Heavenly / PIAS)
OREN AMBARCHI - Hubris (Mego)
SPACEHEADS - Laughing Water (Electric Brass)
RADIAN - On - Dark Silent Off (Thrill Jockey)
DARK BLUE - Start of the World (12XU)
THEOREME - L'appel du Midi a Midi Pile (Bruit Direct Disques)
MOR THIAM - Dini Safarrar (Jazzman)
POWELL - Sport (XL)
TIM BUCKLEY - Lady, Give Me Your Key (Future Days)
bAd bAd - bAd bAd (S-S)
HOPE SANDOVAL AND THE WARM INVENTIONS - Until the Hunter (Tendril Tales)
PATRICK COWLEY & CANDIDA ROYALLE - Patrick Cowley & Candida Royalle (Dark Entries)
UNIFORM - Ghosthouse (Sacred Bones)
MIDNIGHT MINES - If You Can't Find a Partner, Use a Wooden Chair (Mystery Plane)
Medium Airplay
FERAL OHMS - Live in San Francisco (Castle Face)
VARIOUS - Turntables on the Hudson Vol. 10 (Wonderwheel Recordings)
PETER ZUMMO - Dress Code (Don't Look At My Car) (Opti Music)
THE DANCE ASTHMATICS - Lifetime of Secretion (Ever/Never)
JESSIE MAE HEMPHILL - Jessie Mae Hemphill (Bongo Joe / Mississippi)
33.10.3402 - 100 Drone Radio Passive Scape (Long Island Electrical Systems)
KELSEY LU - Church (True Panther Sounds)
E - E (Thrill Jockey)
LOU BARLOW - Apocalypse Fetish (Joyful Noise)
VARIOUS - Wire Tapper 41 (The Wire)
MIKAEL TARIVERDIEV - The Irony of Fate OST (Earth)
KASSEM MOSSE - Disclosure (Honest Jons)
DAZZLING KILLMEN - Face of Collapse (Skin Graft)
LOSCIL - Monument Builders (Kranky)
COIL - The New Backwards (Important)
QUILT BOY - I Am Somebody (Sophomore Lounge)
TVTV - I'm Trouble (Episode)
THE WOMBATS - Golden Voice Recordings 1966-1967 (Alona's Dream)
LAMBCHOP - Flotus (Merge)
THE HIDDEN CAMERAS - Home on Native Land (Outside)
JOHN GIBSON - Traces (Innova Recordings)
LIZZY MERCIER DESCLOUX - Suspense (Light In the Attic / Ze)
BORED YOUTH - 1982 (Alona's Dream)
UROCHROMES - Anthology (Feeding Tube)
BREN'T LEWIIS ENSEMBLE - F.A. Henderson's Casino Sordide (BUFMS)
SPACE DIMENSION CONTROLLER - Orange Melamine (Ninja Tune)
NEIL ROLNICK - Ex Machina (Innova Recordings)
MOGILLAH - Coney Island (Paxico)
FRANCOISE HARDY - La Maison Ou J'ai Grandi (Future Days)
SILVER ABUSE - Consider the Pigeon (Alona's Dream)
Light Airplay
PLEASURE GALLOWS - Positivity (Pelican Pow Wow)
GEORGE GRANT - 90768 (Branco Label)
JASON SHARP - A Boat Upon Its Blood (Constellation)
GAUTE GRANLI / RUFFLE - Split Cassette (No Label)
156 - Memento Mori (No Label)
FRANK VIGROUX - Rapport Sue le Desorde (Dac)
XL-FITS - The Hakata Slasher (Episode)
BAD NOIDS - It's a Doggie Bag World (Feel It)
THE STICKS - Cobblers (Market Square)
SHIP CANAL - The Housing Estate Sings (Amoebic Industries)
ARCTIC - Arctic (Outer Battery)
ENBILULUGUGAL - Praise the Fukken Lard (Enbilulugugal)
IANCU DUMITRESCU / ANA-MARIA AVRAM - Live In London and Paris (Edition Modern)
BALKAN BEAT BOX - Shout It Out (Digital Monkey)
SHORE TO SHORE - Four Views of a Three Sided Garden (The Bridge Sessions)
COURTNEY HARTMAN - Nothing We Say (Courtney Hartman)
AQUARIAN BLOOD - Warlock Cock (Pelican Pow Wow)
HOUND DOG TAYLOR'S HAND - Hound Dog Taylor's Hand (Abduction)
FUCK - Pretty...Slow (Vampire Blues)
REMEDY - The Golden Voice Sessions 1970-1974 (Alona's Dream / Golden Voice)
VARIOUS - Columbusblood (2016) (Break-Up)
VARIOUS - OH70 Volume 1 (OH70)
THE CRAZY SQUEEZE - To the Lonely Ones (SIAE / Pub Music / Pure Punk)
KREMLIN - Kremlin (Svart)
BITTER DEFEAT - Bitter Defeat (Breakdance the Dawn)
TEKSTI-TV 666 - 1, 2, 3 (Svart)
NXWORRIES - Yes Lawd! (Stones Throw)
NICKODEMUS - Moon People (ESL Music)
GERMAN ARMY - Virunga (Summer Isle)
EMBLA QUICKBEAM & GRAHAM DUNNING - Inside Memory's Head (Third Kind)
DJ FOUNDATION - USA (Metal Postcard )
ARCHY MARSHALL - A New Place 2 Drown (True Panther Sounds)
PULCO - Solid Geometry EP (Recordiau Prin)
JOHN DUNCAN / FRANCISCO LOPEZ - NAV - Gate / NAV- Flex (Absolute Osaka)
THE CONTRARIANS - Live at Lakeside Lounge (Foreign Frequency)
USED CARS - Used Cars (Breakdance the Dawn)
THE SLOW SLUSHY BOYS - Rise Up! (Larsen)
SANDY EWEN / DANNY KAMINS - Etched In the Eye (Chiastic Society)
RED FANG - Only Ghosts (Relapse)
VENT FORT - Vent Fort (The Bridge Sessions)
THE NATIVIST - Various Options (Paxico)
KING CRIMSON - Absent Lovers (DGM)
MAZOZMA'S FATUFAIRFE - Mazozma's Fatufairfe (Sophomore Lounge)
FRUSTRATION - Empires of Shame (Born Bad)
ROBERT CRASH - Edonism (Dog In The Night)
7" Singles List
QUILT BOY - I Am Somebody (Sophomore Lounge)
TVTV - I'm Trouble (Episode)
THE WOMBATS - Golden Voice Recordings 1966-1967 (Aloha's Dream)
PLEASURE GALLOWS - Positivity (Pelican Pow Wow)
XL-FITS - The Hakata Slasher (Episode)
BAD NOIDS - It's a Doggie Bag World (Feel It)
THE STICKS - Cobblers (Market Square)
AQUARIAN BLOOD - Warlock Cock (Pelican Pow Wow)
VARIOUS - OH70 Vol. 1 (OH70)
THE CRAZY SQUEEZE - To the Lonely Ones (SIAE/Pub Music/Pure Punk)
RPM List
SYRINX - Tumblers From the Vault 1970-1972 (RVNG Intl)
CARL STONE - Electronic Music From the Seventies and Eighties (Unseen Worlds)
N.M.O. - Nordic Mediterranean Organization / Numerous Miscommunications Occur (Diagonal)
MAX GRAEF & GLENN ASTRO - The Yard Work Simulator (Ninja Tune)
RADIAN - Dark Silent Off (Thrill Jockey)
POWELL - Sport (XL)
PATRICK COWLEY & CANDIDA ROYALLE - Patrick Cowley & Candida Royalle (Dark Entries)
33.10.3402 - 100 Drone Radio Passive Scape (L.I.E.S.)
KASSEM MOSSE - Disclosure (Honest Jons)
Loud List
SOGGY - Soggy (Outer Battery)
MAJOR STARS - Motion Set (Drag City)
THE PROLETARIAT - Soma Holiday (S-S)
UNIFORM - Ghosthouse EP (Sacred Bones)
FERAL OHMS - Live in San Francisco (Castle Face)
BORED YOUTH - 1982 (Alona's Dream)
UROCHROMES - Anthology (Feeding Tube)
BAD NOIDS - It's a Doggie Bag World (Feel It)
XL-FITS - The Hakata Slasher (Episode)
ARCTIC - Arctic (Outer Battery)
Jazz List
MOR THIAM - Dini Safarrar (Jazzman)
HOUND DOG TAYLOR'S HAND - Hound Dog Taylor's Hand (Abduction)
CP UNIT - Before the Heat Death (Clean Feed)
SPONTANEOUS MUSIC ENSEMBLE - Search & Reflect (Emanem)
ARTHUR DOYLE - First House (Amish)
IPA - I Just Did Something (Cuneiform)
World List
TANYA TAGAQ - Retribution (Thirty Tigers)
BALKAN BEAT BOX - Shout It Out (Digital Monkey)
VARIOUS - Music of the Banhar People from the Central Highlands of Vietnam (Sublime Frequencies)
GROUP DOUEH & CHEVEU - Dakhla Sahara Session (Born Bad)
AWA POULO - Poulo Warali (Awesome Tapes From Africa)
VARIOUS - Macondo Revisitado: The Roots of Subtropical Music/Uruguay 1975-1979 (Vampisoul)
SENYAWA - 07.09.15 (Otoroku)
ACID ARAB - Musique de France (Crammed Disc)
VARIOUS - The Original Sound of Mali (Mr. Bongo)
Hip-Hop List
VARIOUS - Turntables on the Hudson Vol. 10 (Wonderwheel)
NXWORRIES - Yes Lawd! (Stones Throw)
A TRIBE CALLED QUEST - We Got It From Here, Thank You 4 Your Service (Epic)
KID KOALA - Music To Draw To: Satellite (Arts & Crafts)
A-TRAK - In the Loop: A Decade of Remixes (Fools Gold)
UNION ANALOGATRONICS x BLUE - Cheetah In the City (Fat Beats)
TAY SEAN - Leavings (Home Skillet)
DIE ANTWOORD - Mount Ninji and Da Nice Time Kid (Zef)
CAKES DA KILLA - Hedonism (Ruffians)
Cassette List
GAUTE GRANLI / RUFFLE - Split Cassette (No Label)
GERMAN ARMY - Virunga (Summer Isle)
EMBLA QUICKBEAM & GRAHAM DUNNING - Inside Memory's Head (Third Kind)
KENT TANKRED - Organ 1 (Chocolate Monk)
ALN - Something In the Water (Sacred Phrases)
VARIOUS - Do Not Erase: Cassette Archives From the Orgone Archive (Zap)
DAN MELCHIOR - Human of Stow (Tutore Burlato)
BLACK VIRGIN II - Black Virgin II (Adult Fantasy)
VARIOUS - Monstre_Compilation (Zamzam)
COLIN ANDREW SHEFFIELD & JAMES ECK RIPPIE - Essential Anatomies (Elevator Bath)
Tommy Roe PLUS Wyldlife
Saturday, February 18th, 3pm - 6pm
on Todd-o-phonic Todd's show
The illustrious Tommy Roe
joins the Todd-O-Phonic Todd Cavalcade of Stars! You know him from such
great hits as "Sheila", "Everybody" and "Dizzy" but among many other
things, Tommy opened for The Beatles and is the first guest of the show
to have appeared on an episode of Green Acres. Tommy has just published
his autobiography, "From Cabbagetown to Tinseltown" available via tommyroe.com.
It's time to get Wyld! Todd-O-Phonic Todd hosts a live set from the fabulous Wyldlife.
Hot on the heels of their third album, Out On Your Block, Dangerous
Dave Feldman and the gang display why they are on of the most exciting
bands on the planet! Expect to hear hits like "Teenage Heart" and
Hank Wood & the Hammerheads
Sunday, February 19th, 5pm - 8pm
on Hello Children with Faye
Hammerheads sound like a New York City block in 110 degree weather on
garbage day in the late 70s/early 80s (in a good way). NY attitude meets
LA punk hooks. What I mean is, snarky, catchy, barking tunes with
lyrics you've already memorized. Trust me, these guys draw a crowd. See
em with the Marked Men & HC favs Vanity on April 7 at Brooklyn
Bazaar. Or don't because it already sold out. lol.
Glenn Mercer
Monday, February 20th, Noon - 3pm
on Three Chord Monte with Joe Belock
The leader of the legendary Feelies checks in to discuss the New Jersey
band's history and brand new album, "In Between," the second of their
reunion era that comes out Feb. 24 on Bar/None Records.
Eternal Black
Wednesday, February 22nd, 3am - 6am
on What Was Music? with Marcel M
Fuzzed out, bluesy doomy riffs for the heads. Hailing from Brooklyn,
Eternal Black drops by WFMU for their station debut. For fans of all
that is heavy, kept slow and low and power trios that sound like a jet
engine blowing smoke out into the ether.
Tom Wilson's Music Factory #12 - Janis Ian
Wednesday, February 22nd, 3pm - 6pm
on Irwin Chusid
In 1967 and '68 the charismatic record producer Tom Wilson hosted a
free-form radio program called "The Music Factory," sponsored by
MGM-Verve Records. The series has been gone from radio ever since, but
Irwin is airing episodes on alternate Wednesday afternoons at 4pm
(Eastern). On February 22nd, we'll hear Wilson interview 16-year-old
songstress Janis Ian, whose 1967 hit "Society's Child," about an
interracial romance, created controversy on Top 40 radio. Ian was born
in New York, but grew up in New Jersey and went to high school in East
Orange. This program originally aired in early 1968. More information
about Wilson can be found at ProducerTomWilson.com.
Dev79 and Peter Gunn
Thursday, February 23rd, Midnight - 3am
on Nickel and Dime Radio with $mall ¢hange
$mall ¢hange has a double showcase in Grime this week, with Philly's
Dev79 and NYC's Peter Gunn. Dev79 has been following UK Grime since the
beginning, and co-owns 2 labels, Seclusiasis & SlitJockey with
fellow Philly DJ/Producer Starkey. Peter Gunn has been a frequent guest,
an ace digger of many styles, and also one of the first people Small
Change heard playing Grime in NYC, and still follows it closely. Expect
lots of heavy UK (and US) sounds!
Death By Unga Bunga PLUS Archie Bell
Saturday, February 25th, 3pm - 6pm
on Todd-o-phonic Todd's show
The return of Death By Unga Bunga! Death By Unga Bunga crushed it on the
3/26/16 installment of the Todd-O-Phonic Todd show so much that they
have been asked to return! Do not miss one of the greatest live bands
extant today on their U.S. visit. Catch them at The Wonder Bar in Asbury
Park on Friday 2/24 and Baby's All Right in Brooklyn on Saturday 2/25!
Archie Bell instructs Todd-O-Phonic Todd's listeners on how to do the
"Tighten Up". Archie Bell and The Drells hit big that dance tune and
such great 45's as "I Can't Stop Dancing" and "(There's Gonna Be A)
Showdown". They practically created the "Philly Sound". Archie performs
as part of an amazing line-up for The Soul Clap 10th Anniversary on
Friday March 3rd at Warsaw.
Querido Mundo: Ani Cordero’s songs of protest, and love
Saturday, February 25th, 6pm - 9pm
on Transpacific Sound Paradise with Rob Weisberg
Ani Cordero is releasing a terrific - and timely - new album this month, Querido Mundo.
Ani calls the album a “a love letter to a complicated world”: She takes
on issues and causes like racism, immigration, feminism and more -
aiming, as she puts it, “to inspire political resistance and support for
social justice.” It’s also an irresistible blend of her Puerto Rican
roots and other world music influences, and rock and roll. Ani and her
band join us on the eve of their album release show Sunday night February 26th at Rockwood Music Hall Stage 2.
Vic Ruggiero, Seth Herzog, Carolyn Busa, Mo Fry Pasic, Sunshine & The Rain and MORE!
Saturday, February 25th, 9pm - Midnight
on Prove It All Night! with Pat Byrne
The triumphant return of Prove It All Night! LIVE from Monty Hall,
Saturday February 25th. With stand up comedy from Seth Herzog (of
Tonight Show fame), Mo Fry Pasic, and Carolyn Busa. Live music from Vic
Ruggiero of The Slackers, surprise guests and more! Opening and closing
the show will be special guest DJ's, Sunshine & the Rain! You can
watch live video of the show over at the WFMU.org homepage from 9:30 -
11:30. The video will also appear on the WFMU phone apps, and Pat's
playlist page. Or, if you're in the area- swing by Monty Hall and see
the show in person. This event is a WFMU benefit show with a suggested
donation of $10, $5 will get you in otherwise. Support the show and the
Mark Wingfield and Markus Reuter
Tuesday, February 28th, 9pm - Midnight
on Irene Trudel's show
Guitars become an otherworldly force in the hands of Mark Wingfield and Markus Reuter.
The two bend the boundaries of traditional jazz-rock lines, using the
guitar as a controller for electronics to lead into some beautiful sonic
territories. Reuter and Wingfield are celebrating the release of " The
Stone House," a collaboration including bassist Yaron Stavi and drummer
Asaf Sirkis. Mark Wingfield and Markus Reuter create gorgeous
guitar-scapes live in WFMU's Love Room.
Joe Frank - "Bitter Pill"
Wednesday, March 1st, 3pm - 6pm
on Irwin Chusid
One-hour dramas by Joe Frank air on sporadic Wednesday afternoons at 4pm
(Eastern) on Irwin's program. On Weds. March 1st, we'll present "Bitter
Pill" from Joe's "The Other Side" series. Larry gives his widowed
mother the birthday gift of a family photograph with her husband
air-brushed out. Joe recalls a music prodigy from school whose climb to
greatness and fame didn't proceed as planned. Larry and Joe argue the
merits of Long Island country clubs. Joe chronicles the destructive
behavior of his mother’s spoiled cat, Prince, and describes how he plans
to get revenge.
Julie Byrne
Saturday, March 4th, 6am - 9am
on Shrunken Planet with Jeffrey Davison
Julie Byrne's full-length debut, "Rooms With Walls and Windows", arrived
in 2014 to great critical acclaim, and fans have been anxiously
awaiting her follow-up album. The new record, "Not Even Happiness" (on
Ba Da Bing) was worth the wait, and is garnering even more praise. Her
hushed vocals, dazzling poetic lyrics and fingerpicked guitar are
accompanied by subtle, though occasionally lush, instrumentation. This
session is just Julie solo, with (mostly) just acoustic guitar.
Phil Rudd
Saturday, March 4th, 3pm - 6pm
on Todd-o-phonic Todd's show
Former AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd talks with Todd-O-Phonic Todd about the
1970's Australian rock scene, his time spent looking at Angus Young's
shorts and his less than infrequent brushes with the law. Not to mention
his new album, perhaps aptly titled "Head Job".
Tom Wilson's Music Factory #13 - The Lovin' Spoonful
Wednesday, March 22nd, 3pm - 6pm
on Irwin Chusid
In 1967 and '68 the charismatic record producer Tom Wilson hosted a
free-form radio program called "The Music Factory," sponsored by
MGM-Verve Records. The series has been gone from radio ever since, but
Irwin is airing episodes on alternate Wednesday afternoons at 4pm
(Eastern). On March 22nd, we'll hear Wilson interview Jerry Yester and
Joe Butler of the Lovin' Spoonful. In between chatter, Wilson spins
platters by the Spoonful, James Cotton, Astrud Gilberto, Sonny Terry
& Brownie McGhee, and Tim Hardin. This program originally aired in
early 1968. More information about Wilson can be found at ProducerTomWilson.com.
Elvis Costello
Saturday, April 1st, 11am - 1pm
on Michael Shelley's show
Michael Shelley's welcomes Elvis Costello to the studio to chat about
his recent autobiography “Unfaithful Ink & Disappearing Music,” his
30 studio albums and to play unplugged versions of some of his classic
#1 hits.
Joe Frank - "Emptiness"
Wednesday, April 5th, 3pm - 6pm
on Irwin Chusid
One-hour dramas by Joe Frank air alternate Wednesday afternoons at 4pm
(Eastern) on Irwin's program. On Weds. April 5th, we'll present
"Emptiness" from Joe's "The Other Side" series. In a phone conversation
with Joe, Larry, whose acting career is foundering, dreams of escaping
from New York to Los Angeles. He explains to Joe why he envies the
comradeship of gay Broadway dancers he sees in line at a credit union.
In another phone chat, Debi explains to Joe why she can't get
comfortable with her boyfriend Malcolm, a talented musician who, despite
financial setbacks, is always brimming with affection and optimism.
Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield explains his own troubled family
Louie Louie Palooza
Wednesday, April 5th, 7pm - 10pm
on Bodega Pop Live with Gary Sullivan (on Give the Drummer Radio stream)
In advance of International Louie Louie Day, we honor the most recorded
rock song of all time with three solid hours of covers from around the
Want to see all the past events? Go here.
43 Montgomery Street, Jersey City
Fri/Sat 2/16-17 Screaming Females (9:00pm, $15) SOLD OUT
Fri 2/24 Seven Second Delay "The Not Untalented Variety Show" (8:00pm, $5)
Sat 2/25 Prove It All Night w/Pat Byrne (9:30pm, $5)
Fri 3/3 Nick Hakim (9:00pm, $15)
Sat 3/11 Hearty White (8:00pm, $5)
Sat 3/25 The Regrettes (8:00pm, $10)
Thu 3/30 Waxahatchee / Kevin Morby / Mary Lattimore (8:30pm, $20)
Fri 3/31 Kevin Morby / Waxahatchee / Julie Byrne (8:30pm $20)
Thu 4/6 Kurt Baker Combo / Soraia (8:30pm, $10)
Fri 4/7 Miriam / Cut Worms / Saint Pe (8:30pm, $10-12)
Sat 4/8 Mark Eitzel / Howe Gelb (8:30pm, $15-20)
Tue 4/11 Xiu Xiu / The Use / Rachel Mason (9:00pm, $13-15)
Thu 4/20 Witch Taint: The Black Metal Dialogues Live (9:00pm, $10)
Mon 4/24 Acid Mothers Temple / Babylon (9:00pm, $13-15)
Thu 6/8 Giuda (9:00pm $15)
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