Swag For Life Renewals
WFMU's 2016 Marathon just began and that means your Swag For Life pledge is renewing!
We just pulled a fresh batch of swag and DJ Premiums out of the oven and want to make sure you get first dibs.
Here's how to play along (full details below Dusty the Chinchilla):
1. Reply to this e-mail to let us know your swag choices and/or changes in your monthly donation.
2. To win prizes, make unpaid pledges on the website or over the phone and mention in the comments that you're an existing Swag for Life member.
If the swag options and Marathon hoo-ha are too overwhelming for you and you don't want more stuff, no need to lift a finger. Just kick back and relax and enjoy listening to the Marathon. Your pledge is renewing automatically.
How do I get in on the new Marathon swag?
If you don't need to adjust your monthly contribution, check out the swag list here, and just reply to this e-mail to let me know your choices (and don't forget to include shirt sizes). If you got our Marathon brochure in the mail, you can also just indicate your choices there and mail the form back to us.
How do I credit my pledge to my favorite shows?
If you don't need to adjust your monthly contribution, you can make multiple individual pledges to your favorite shows as the Marathon proceeds or you can make one big pledge all at once and credit your pledge to all of your favorite shows in one go.
Here's how it works online:
1. Visit wfmu.org/pledge
2. Enter the amount of your annual pledge total that you want to use up, and paradoxically, choose "One-time" and NOT "Per Month"
3. Choose the shows you want to credit from the drop-down menu and be sure to hit the + button
4. When you get to the end of the pledge process, choose "Send me a bill" as your payment option (our credit card processor already has your card info so no need to re-enter it)

Here's how it works over the phone:
1. Call 800-989-9368
2. Let our phone volunteer know that you want to pledge a portion of your Swag For Life pledge to the show that's on the air.
3. Be sure to specify the portion of your annual pledge amount you'd like to pledge to the current show (ie., "I want to pledge $50 of my Swag For Life to this show").
Here's how it works by mail:
1. Fill out the Marathon brochure you received in the mail with your swag choices.
2. On the back page of the brochure, write in the names of the shows or DJs you want to credit on the line that says "Credit my pledge to."
3. Mail the form back to us.
How do I get in on prize drawings that DJs announce during the Marathon?
If the DJ on the air announces an amazing prize giveaway you can't resist, you can get in the running to win by making a pledge online or over the phone as explained above.
How do I adjust my monthly Swag For Life amount?
If you want to increase or decrease your monthly amount, no problem! Reply to this e-mail to let me know. Then you'll need to set up a new pledge by visiting wfmu.org/pledge: enter in your new monthly amount (be sure to select "Per Month, Swag For Life"), credit your pledge to your favorite shows, choose your swag, enter your credit card info, and you're done.
How do I cancel my Swag For Life membership?
Reply to this e-mail to let me know if you need to cancel your Swag For Life pledge.
If you've been a Swag For Lifer for a few years or even just a few months, we want to thank you from the bottom of our radio hearts for your tremendous support.
You are helping WFMU in the best way possible!