{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf949\cocoasubrtf540 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs24 \cf0 ATLAS SOUND: BEDROOM DATABANK VOL. 1\ \ B. COX: Harmonica, Synthesizer, Drums, Vocals, Computer\ W.A.B. II: Maracas, Other Vocals\ \ 1. GREEN GLASS BOTTLES +\ 2. THESE WERE MY WALLS +\ 3. WILD LOVE +\ 4. LANTERNS ^\ 5. NEW ROMANTIC +\ 6. CYNIC'S RECOURSE +\ 7. FREAK TRAIN (KURT VILE) *\ 8. AFTERNOON DRIVE *\ 9. HOTEL ORLANDO +\ 10. THIS WHEEL'S ON FIRE (DYLAN) +\ 11. POSTCARD ^\ \ + Recorded at Home November 15-22, 2010 on TASCAM DP-08\ ^ Recorded on Computer Oct. 2010\ * Recorded at Home August 2010 on TASCAM DP-08 \ \ GREEN GLASS BOTTLES:\ \ rose and pink\ don't bruise your knees\ \ wide awake\ cold wind doesn't have to stay\ cold and grey\ fold yourself in any little way\ \ are you crazy restrained\ fold your arms and don't have no complaints\ are you feeling restrained\ could you make the call it could change\ \ \ THESE WERE MY WALLS:\ (for former occupant)\ \ these were my walls\ and now you hang\ the portraits of\ your loved ones there\ \ i have no heirs\ i never married\ i am nowhere\ my spirit is wary\ \ i am nowhere\ my bones are dust now\ and when i go down\ will you rest?\ \ these were my walls\ are they yours now?\ and all fall \ i can't be there\ \ these were my walls\ but they are yours now\ all through the fall\ i'll whisper sadly\ \ WILD LOVE:\ \ small choir:\ do you ever get tired of\ sick and wild love\ do you ever want\ peace and quiet love\ \ narrator:\ (on the chairs, come and \ you got a ways to go...\ on the ___________\ LOW FLYING\ am i sick of....\ Come on and Show It\ you say you're sick \ come on and show it...)\ \ NEW ROMANTIC:\ \ plate glass smashed\ your hair looks good glass\ your hair looks like strands \ of gold romantic, and\ \ arctic fox, cold rocks\ in the trees \ please don't forget your hometown\ \ you used to drive\ and oh you used to see your friends\ you used to be good friends\ you used to have good friends\ you used to have good\ \ slow like snow\ follows you\ you used to call \ pick up your phone\ \ romantic eyes\ it comes as no surprise\ you're go back\ you're gonna forget your past\ you were so far gone\ you were so alone\ sitting by yourself\ in the morning sun\ \ CYNIC'S RECOURSE:\ \ you know your head\ don't trust your friends\ when they say jump\ its a trick\ they say go\ when your really sick\ \ don't believe the rain\ just scream up at the sky "you insane"\ and they will go on their way\ they will go on their way\ \ you got no relatives\ nobody's give you a second chance\ to relate \ they hate you\ \ HOTEL ORLANDO:\ \ yeah we packed our bags in the hotel room\ we didn't have time to think\ we didn't foresee the crime\ we had no luck to thank\ as we packed our bags in the hotel room\ after robbing the bank\ yeah we sat in silence there\ we had no time to think\ \ oh heavens no you can't go downtown\ don't answer their questions now\ they will lead you around\ \ we caught the first flight out of this town\ and we stopped for a drink\ at the airport bar with a middle aged man\ he had a lot of things to think\ he asked about the bloodstains \ he asked about her rings\ i said "hey man why you ask so many questions\ i got hardly enough time to drink"\ \ oh no you don't want to provide\ an unwitting witness with an alibi\ catch the next flight out \ you got nowhere to fly\ we had no luck to thank\ we had not foreseen the crime}