{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf949\cocoasubrtf540 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs24 \cf0 ATLAS SOUND: BEDROOM DATABANK VOL. 2 \ \ B. COX: Electric Bass, Bells, Congas, Nylon Guitar, Mouth Organ, Vocals\ \ 1. PILOT LIGHT +\ 2. STRANGE PARADE +\ 3. STATIONARY BLOOD *\ 4. LA LUNA +\ 5. DAY OUT *\ 6. HEATWAVE +\ 7. CHANGE IS GOOD +\ 8. MOUTH OF THE DESERT *\ 9. AUTUMN INTRO CASCADING INTO UNIVERSITY COURTYARD +\ 10. TOWN CENTER +\ 11. HELIO INTRO +\ 12. SUMMER EDIT +\ 13. WILLFUL *\ 14. WINTERGREEN SKETCH +\ 15. OCEANVIEW +\ 16. HERE COME THE TRAINS *\ \ + Recorded at Home\ * Recorded at Notown\ \ All tracks recorded in 2010\ \ All lyrics are approximations\ \ STRANGE PARADE:\ \ it was a strange parade that let me go outside\ and then men became \ became the way i lied\ and my would go and let me go outside\ and in the name of God you'll let me go OUTSIDE\ \ but they said "my head"\ then i walked outside\ \ it was a strange parade\ \ STATIONARY BLOOD\ \ this symmetry is getting old\ this foreign drowning in the tub\ in my own world i can't get out\ but this is your life and your the boss\ \ and then there's stationary blood\ and then there was no blood at all\ i don't know where to say that i'm going\ i don't know where to say that i'm going to \ with you\ \ i was the victim of a trance\ i was the victim of a trance\ \ LA LUNA:\ \ la luna \ fading in the contents of it\ sometime\ going sometime\ \ la luna \ shine out on the pale roads\ till they find you\ till they find you (shine on)\ \ \ DAY OUT:\ \ oh shit! and then then they come at me with cold lead\ and try to sell me on their fortunes\ and i say hey man i can't hold this\ it won't be like i want to take hold\ someday i'll wonder where the days go\ and they could take away my head-cold (2x)\ \ and it would be like the ocean\ and they would say they had my old tune\ and everybody could be happy\ and i would be the one to tap me (awake)\ \ but i would say "aloha"\ i would be the one to say "aloha"\ \ and they told me \ about the fortunes that await me\ oh that silver easter lily\ and then the sisterhood would kill me\ for crimes i didn't commit\ for crimes i wouldn't consider\ for crimes i would belittle (2x)\ \ hold me and then be ready in the morning\ you could believe that i'd be leaving\ i know i can't be staying\ \ CHANGE IS GOOD:\ \ kick your head\ rejected once again\ did you ask, did you tell?\ there are bigger fish\ there are bigger ponds\ but you will never go\ cause your feet get cold\ \ in your life you've seen a few\ in your life you give it to whoever you kind find\ whoever gives you peace of mind\ hey i know your type\ "la la" all the time\ give it up \ i'm cynical\ \ change is good\ \ \ MOUTH OF THE DESERT:\ \ take him back to the bends\ where you found his remains\ let us focus on\ the return home\ \ i'm your former friend\ i'll wait for you\ at the desert's mouth\ with water for you\ \ you confuse the change\ i know its hard\ when you find your language\ doesn't start to\ fit into (not gone enough)\ \ TOWN CENTER:\ \ no one hates the crime\ they just hate the guy\ that brings down\ the whole town\ everyone thinks they know\ what it is there after\ till it's low-tide \ long time behind\ \ WILLFUL:\ \ your sick pride drives you\ let's not get confused\ your whole life's misused\ situations abused\ how do you crawl\ when your whole life's a shot of\ trying to get your way\ \ shame on ______ and youth\ shame on your capped tooth\ holy man rolls you\ will get swept in decay\ \ how do you show\ when your so bold, so high\ so try\ try to get your way\ }