{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf949\cocoasubrtf540 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs24 \cf0 ATLAS SOUND: BEDROOM DATABANK VOL. 3\ \ B. COX: LIT GLOBE, PANIC, FALSE SNARES\ \ 1. MONA LISA (VERSION 1) ^\ 2. YARDS OF SILK +\ 3. I CAN'T TAKE IT *\ 4. BORDER AGENTS #\ 5. INDIAN BITRATE *\ 6. MOONROOF *\ 7. CROSSRIVER #\ 8. COMET 8 *\ 9. DRUMS & PISSING *\ 10. WESTERN SHIRT +\ 11. NOTOWN PHASE *\ 12. DREAM COLOR *\ 13. MONA LISA (ALT. VERSION) ^\ 14. EPILOGUE *\ \ ^ RECORDED AT HOME NOV. 23, 2010\ + RECORDED AT HOME SUMMER / FALL 2010\ * RECORDED AT NOTOWN 2010\ # RECORDED AT THE HOXTON HOTEL, LONDON 7/10\ \ MONA LISA:\ \ how many fantasies\ were interrupted by\ a thousand galaxies\ that were floating by\ \ the mona lisa's got you (all)\ \ how many poverties \ were interrupted by \ learning how to read\ looking at the sky\ \ the mona lisa's got you (all)\ \ your baby's sleeping \ \ I CAN'T TAKE IT:\ \ there was sugar on their lips\ there was glitter in the ditch\ \ i can't take it\ i can't take it\ get taken away\ \ i wanna hold my own hand\ i wanna drive can you understand\ just about as far as a car can go\ i wanna go where nobody knows\ \ that i can't take it\ i can't take it\ i get taken \ i get taken\ \ i get taken away\ \ BORDER AGENTS:\ \ hold your hands down\ down tonight\ creeping over borders tight\ borders tight\ borders tight\ \ change your sheets man\ let them curve\ come in stages undisturbed\ \ hold your head up\ when they arrive\ border agents\ in the night\ \ CROSSRIVER:\ \ shuffle into\ crowded bar\ you can feel it\ when the people start\ pure electric\ memories fade\ in the hazy distance of the days\ \ cross the river\ carve it out call it in\ in the river there are bloody towels\ cross the river\ carve it out call it in\ in the river there are bloody towels\ \ barely detectable\ by the scent your on the farm\ through electronics\ electronics erased databanks\ across the river\ the smell of burning\ \ COMET 8:\ \ (lyrics unintelligible)\ \ DREAM COLOR:\ \ trials over\ let's go home\ nothing ever gets resolved\ i feel sick\ i feel real dull\ i wanna sleep\ but nowhere at all \ \ heaven must have\ thrown you around\ when there all in town\ its off\ dream colors make no sense\ dream colors they make no sense\ \ fight the cold\ that you have\ fight the weird light\ peeking in\ cold light it's sin\ cold dreaming\ will you rock again for me\ \ move for me\ i never would _______\ \ i never wanted to go out like that\ \ troubled colors\ go now!\ troubled colors\ let go now!\ troubled colors\ let go now!\ troubled colors\ let go now!\ troubled colors\ let go now!\ troubled colors\ let go now!\ }